KATPIS Newsletter  

Dear participants of 2011 ICPIC Korea


I am so glad to invite you all to 2011 ICPIC Korea.

Korea had been accumulating her own experiences of teaching philosophy for children for centuries and centuries. In the late 20th century, however, we encountered new paradigm of teaching philosophy for children, doing philosophical inquiry with children in which you have been engaged. Since we began to implement the new model of doing philosophy with children at school, we have had to go through plenty of trial and error.

In the meanwhile, the global village has been confronted with lots of challenges, not only politically and economically but also culturally and educationally. In this global age we are fully aware that those crises we face must be coped with on a global scale. It must, however, also be noted that, if we are to resolve them on a fundamental and long-term basis and global scale, we have to reflect upon deeply and change our educational practices, methods and contents. For children themselves we see everyday in the classrooms are the future of humanity. We are sure that doing philosophical inquiry with children, which is the cause of ICPIC community, will be a significant clue to reforming our educations.

I would like to note that 2011 ICPIC conference will be held, for the first time, in Asia. Many say that Asia has great potentials to open the new horizon in the human history. It is, however, not until universal values such as democracy and human rights have been engrained in the Asian children's minds that the global village will be able to step into a new age of world peace and mutual prosperity. Thus, we, as the first Asian country of hosting ICPIC, feel more obliged to do our best to make 2011 ICPIC a critical opportunity to create new levels of collaboration among ICPIC members from all the continents. I look forward to seeing you all in Korea.

Best wishes,

Chosik Lee

President of KATPIS, the Korean Academy of Teaching Philosophy in School

Dear ICPIC members,

We are delighted to announce that the next ICPIC conference will be held in Korea .

We wish Professor Jinwhan Park (GNU) and Mr. Lee Chosik, President of KATPIS, all the best as they now begin the formal and every-so-practical planning for the 2011 conference.

In total, 64 votes were recorded (out of a total of 88 ICPIC members). The distribution was as follows:

Korea = 31

South Africa = 26

Support either bid = 7

It is very important to acknowledge that this was an extremely close vote. The South African bid was extremely strong, and many people urged them to put in a bid again for the 2013 conference.

Please see below the reasons given for supporting each bid, and suggestions people had for both countries to think about in relation to their proposals. Much can be learnt about what our community values from these comments and I urge Korea in particular to reflect on them as they now build their conference.



Amongst the reasons given for choosing Korea were:


¡¤Giving the Asian continent greater representation - there was a motion passed in Padua that the next conference should be in Asia if possible (for this reason) / It is time to have a Conference in Asia ..

¡¤The proposal addresses very relevant educational and political issues.

¡¤There is already a (strong) network operating in P4C in this country / the Koran community has done more work in P41

¡¤The wonderful work in that Country - Regional needs

¡¤Korea is a leading country in IT and has to cope with new and important issues within philosophical inquiry. These questions will probably increase in relevance soon for the whole community.

¡¤Promoting P4c in Asia / supporting the diffusion of P4C in Asia .

¡¤The program is very articulate and of good quality.

¡¤The participation of Korean scholars in the last ICPIC Conference was very high with good suggestions for the future research

¡¤Korea has been a member of ICPIC a long time and we should support them / Dr Park has been thinking of hosting the conference for a number of years

¡¤Diversity of site (preconference as well)

¡¤Korea have proven themselves to be sound organizers in the past.

¡¤It will be cheaper for many to attend - more inclusive because of this.


Suggestions for Korea to think about as they move into the next planning stage included:

¡¤Trying to include a stronger focus on practice in South-Korea (perhaps including children) ? this was seen as a strength in the South African proposal that was not present in the Korean one.

¡¤To focus on how to implement P4C across various subjects / disciplines - South Korea have experience with this from which we cold learn.

¡¤To pay attention to providing a diversity of pedagogies ? not end up solely a series of lectures.



Strengths of the South African proposal were seen as:

¡¤Africa has not been a venue for ICPIC or any other major P4C conferences.

¡¤Inclusive, thinking about keynote speakers, sound pedagogy

¡¤Children will help to organize the conference.

¡¤Many opportunities for international community building.

¡¤A clear proposal that gave attention to process as well as content within the conference

¡¤A strong and convincing theme and program

¡¤The program focuses on method, giving a chance to see and to analyze different methodological approaches.

¡¤Supporting a continent seeking to emerge from one of the greatest atrocities in human history / the conflict issue interests me.

¡¤Southern hemisphere representation

¡¤The post conference Workshop in the Park is fascinating!

¡¤Conference could be a valuable contribution to that area - potential to help Educational Programs for Orphans and Refugees.

¡¤Hope South Africa be elected for 2013. The proposal is wonderful

¡¤The SA proposal would bring more important international, academic attention to P4C.

Suggestions for South Africa to think about:

¡¤Seemed to be no room for international papers

¡¤Issues of safety ? will need to speak to this if people are to attend.

Dr. Ann M. Sharp and Dr. Phil Guin,
Welcome to Korea(Jan.17th-24th 2005)

Dr. Ann M. Sharp and Dr. Phil Guin are going to visit Korea for a week from Jan 17 to 24, 2005. They will meet and have a talk with those interested in P4C here in Korea. As you may know, Dr. Sharp has been playing a key role in designing and disseminating P4C programs with Matthew Lipman across the world, since IAPC was founded in the 1970s, U.S. Dr. Guin, as a staff of the IAPC, has also made a great contribution to disseminating P4C across the globe. We are very glad to have an opportunity to see them face to face. They will give lectures and have discussions on P4C issues at the seminar which will be co-hosted by KATPIS and Dong-deok Women's University, Jan 19th. Besides the meeting, they will be invited to several other meetings. Please let us show their schedules in Korea as follows; Jan 17th : arriving in Seoul Jan 18th : taking a rest or having Seoul tour Jan 19th : attending a seminar on P4C issues co-hosted by KATPIS and Dong-deok Women's University 9 a.m to 5 p.m. The titles of the presentaions * Doing Philosophy with Preschool Children, by Ann Sharp * Philosophical Community of Inquiry Approach for Moral Education, by Park, Jinhwan * Explaining IAPC Method : Of Children, By Children and For Children, by Lee, Jiaeh Jan 21st : attending a meeting at the Institute of Philosophy for Children in Seoul Jan 22nd : attending a seminar on 'Moral Education and P4C' hosted by 'Korean Ethics Education Association' at Kyoung-sang University Jan 24th : leaving Seoul

President Lee, leecs@korea.ac.kr
Tel : 822)392-8116(home), 822)362-6979(office) / Fax : 822)364-7855
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